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celll phones in our schools

...Did your school ever forbid you from calling your mother when you were a child? Children today still need to call their mothers occasionally. However, the school forbids it. Schools now have considerably stricter policies regarding cell phones, sometimes even in cases of emergency. Therefore, it would be fantastic if schools allowed us to use our cell phones while in class.
Since they become popular among youngsters, cell phones have been a problem in schools. There can be an emergency that nobody is aware of, and there might not be enough time to go to a phone, warns sixth-grader Amber H. Many schools have teachers who go too far. 

. They take students' cells
phones even when they aren't using them and they are turned off and hidden
so that they don't disturb anybody. Teachers shouldn't be allowed to take
When they aren’t even bothering anyone, they are put on silent.
and they are hidden from the other classmates! Just two years ago in October a
The girl took the case to the Supreme Court! She had had her cell phone taken.
away. It was in her backpack, turned off not disturbing anyone when the
teacher saw it and took it away and she never had it returned to her!

“I wasn’t even using it and the teacher saw it in my backpack and
confiscated it!” I tried to explain that I had to have it for later that day when
my practice was over but she wouldn’t listen!” So many students bring their
cell phones to school for reasons like that! Only to have there teacher
confiscate it!

Consider this..... Your child attends a local school and you reside in lower Manhattan. September 11, 2001, has passed. While you are quietly working, you suddenly hear a huge bang, and when you glance out your window, the North Tower of the twin towers is on fire! The staff at your child's school has been informed. The principal's voice suddenly blares across the intercom.

“Students, get out your cell phones and call your parents
immediately!” They could use the school phones but not only is there a line
to use the phones the first person finds out the lines are dead. Sure they
could use the cell phones that the very few students brought to school but so
many students using five or six cell phones wouldn’t you think that the
battery would die out?! How would a child reach their parents to tell them
that they are ok? They can’t!

It's crucial to have a means for kids to contact their parents in situations like this! We need them in school because we could use them in an emergency if we couldn't use the school phones for one reason or another, according to sixth-grader Mimi W. Beasley 2 Write in the Middle, Workshop 4 Today, anything can happen, so making sure your child always has a cell phone with them could save their life!
However, cell phones are not permitted in classrooms. They are simple to follow and help a youngster stay in touch with their parents. In fact, they can save lives! Please permit the use of cell phones in classrooms.